How to PROTECT & Treat Your MOCCASINS & MUKLUKS with Protector Spray


How to PROTECT & Treat Your MOCCASINS & MUKLUKS with Protector Spray

You guys know you need to treat your moccasins and or mukluks with a protector spray in order to keep them looking brand new for years to come. Watch this video to find out this important five-step process for protecting and treating your moccasins or mukluks with a protector spray.

I'm Mallory Graham from, where we offer over 130 different styles of moccasins and mukluks. Be sure to subscribe and hit the bell so that you get notified every time we post a brand new video just like this one on indigenous moccasins and lifestyle products. If you are looking to treat your moccasins or mukluks with a protector spray to keep them looking brand new for years to come and to make sure that they are as water resistant as possible then we're here to help you through this-five step process of spraying and protecting your moccasins or mukluks the proper way to make sure that you are taking the best care of them and so they'll look just like new for their long life.

We've helped thousands of customers find and treat their moccasins and mukluks to last for many, many years to come, and now it's your turn. By the end of this video, you will know exactly how to correctly prepare and spray your moccasins or mukluks for lifelong use of your investment. Maybe you've just bought your new leather or suede footwear and you're about to treat them to make sure that they look brand new for as long as possible. If your moccasins or mukluks aren't new then don't worry. You should definitely still treat them to make sure that you get the most life out of them. The first step in treating your moccasins or mukluks is to choose a great protectant spray product. We recommend using Tana All-Protector Spray to protect your moccasins or mukluks. The great thing about this protector spray is you can use it on your other leather or suede products as well, giving you the most bang for your buck while doing a great job protecting your leather or suede moccasins or mukluks.

There are many sprays out there on the market and you want to make sure that the spray that you are using is a good fit for your specific material whether you have grain leather or suede boots. All of our moccasins come in suede or grain leather. To learn more about the difference between grain leather and suede material, watch this video right here. But having a great protector spray is only one small factor in successfully treating your boots, which brings us to the second step of this process. The second step in spraying your moccasins or mukluks for lifelong protection is to ensure that your items are clean and dry. Before you begin the spraying process, make sure that your moccasins or mukluks are free from any dirt, dust or moisture of any kind that would interfere with the spray product's ability to do its job. If you're mocks or mucks are perfectly brand new then you're good to move on to step number three.

To prepare your moccasins or mukluks for spraying, you may want to cover up the fur to make sure that you don't accidentally spray it as spraying the fur could actually damage it. You can wrap the first section of your mukluks and plastic wrap to be extra careful or if you're extremely confident with your aim using this spray, then you don't have to do this step, but it's completely up to you. How often do you guys treat your leather products with protectant spray? Before every season? Sometimes? Or never? Please share with us in the comments below. Now we've looked at the first two steps in treating your moccasins or mukluks, which is step number one, choose a great protector spray product. And two, ensure your leather item is clean and dry. The third step in treating your moccasins or mukluks is to prepare the space or environment that you will be spraying your mukluks in. We recommend spraying your mocks or mukluks either outside, in the garage or in the basement with a window open. Somewhere where the chemicals in the spray can escape without affecting the air you and your family breathes.

Place newspaper down on the floor or table, whichever surface, to protect it so you can set your moccasins or mukluks down on the newspaper so any possible drips from the spray will only touch the newspaper. Fourth step in treating your moccasins or mukluks is to spray your items evenly over the entire leather area. If you are using the Tana All-Protector Spray, then hold the can about the same distance of the can away from your boots or the leather that you're spraying. If you are using another footwear protector brand, then read the label to find out exactly how far away you should hold the can from your products. Make sure you move the can in a continuous motion. Do not hold it still over one area of leather as this could result in your moccasins or mukluks looking uneven or stained afterwards.

Once you've completed spraying all of the leather or suede materials of your footwear, set your moccasins or mukluks down on the newspaper with the souls touching downwards. Now, the fifth step in protecting your moccasins or mukluks is to let them dry completely for at least eight to 10 hours. This is a very important step in the treatment process. I know you're super excited to start or continue wearing your moccasins or mukluks, but you need to make sure that they are completely dry before wearing them. This will ensure that the protector has time to activate, settle and do its thing, allowing your mocks or mucks to be treated and ready to rock for months to come.

Now we've gone through all five steps of the process to treat your moccasins or mukluks, which are one to choose a great protector product. Two, to ensure that your items are clean and dry. Three, to prepare the space or environment that you will be spraying them in. Four, to spray your items evenly over the entire leather area. And five, to let them dry for at least eight to 10 hours. If you're interested in the difference between waterproof and regular mukluks, watch this video right here. Now after following these five steps to properly treat your moccasins and mukluks, you could feel confident that your leather products are going to look amazing for a very long time.