Grain Leather vs Suede MOCCASINS & MUKLUKS 😍(Choose The BEST Pair for you)


🌟Grain Leather vs Suede MOCCASINS & MUKLUKS 😍(Choose The BEST Pair for you) //

What is the best material for your moccasins or mukluks? Is it suede or grain leather? Watch this video to find out what the best material is for moccasins and mukluks and what the difference is between grain leather and suede.

I'm Mallory Graham from where we offer over 130 different styles of moccasins and mukluks. Be sure to subscribe and hit the bell so that you get notified every time we post a brand new video just like this one on moccasins, mukluks and indigenous lifestyle products.

If you just can't decide between grain leather and suede, we're here to help you understand the difference between these two materials that are commonly used for moccasins and mukluks. We've helped thousands of customers find moccasins and mukluks that they love, and now it's your turn. By the end of this video, you will know exactly what the key differences are between grain leather and suede leather moccasins and mukluks, and you'll have no doubt which are the perfect pair for you.

There are four main differences between grain leather and suede moccasins or mukluks. The first major difference between grain leather and suede is the durability and quality of these two materials. Now, most people don't know that suede is also leather. Grain leather is made from the outside of the hide, whereas suede is made from the inside. While suede is split and thinned, it creates a softer finish, therefore is not as durable as leather. Both grain leather and suede are treated and tanned before used on moccasins or mukluks. However, the durability of grain leather is much higher because it hasn't been thinned out as much as suede has.

But that's not the only important difference between suede and grain leather. The second major difference between grain leather and suede moccasins or mukluks is the look and the finish. It's important to consider the look that you want to wear with your moccasins or mukluks. The finish of leather and suede are very different from each other. Grain leather consists of a shinier finish, and the material itself is much thicker. Suede has a softer finish, almost similar to a matte look, so depending on what look or finish that you're going for in your moccasins or mukluks will determine what the best material is for you. Do you guys prefer the shinier grain leather look or the softer appearance that suede has? Please share with us in the comments below.

Now we've looked at the first two differences between grain leather and suede, which is the durability and the look or finish. Now the third consideration that we want to think of when deciding between grain leather and suede moccasins or mukluks is our personal style preference. When you're comparing the style of mukluks or moccasins with fur or without fur, at different heights and different colors and different materials, these will all give you a different style or look depending on what your style preference is. But the material that you choose for your moccasins or mukluks can really represent a different style even if you're looking at the same style of boot, the same color, height and everything.

For example, the suede mukluks or moccasins have more of a casual looking style, and the grain leather moccasins or mukluks have more of a dressier looking style. It all depends on what look you're going for and what your style preference is. If you're wondering what the best style of mukluks for you is, watch this video right here.

If you love the look of both suede and grain leather, some people find that this last difference really pushes them in either direction of what material that they want to choose. Now the fourth difference between grain leather and suede moccasins or mukluks is the cost. How much you're prepared to spend on this gorgeous footwear can determine whether you will go with suede or grain leather moccasins or mukluks.

Back in the first point we talked about durability and the difference in how these two materials are made. Suede is stretched out much more than grain leather, so there will be much more suede available than if you were to use grain leather from that same piece of hide. You can make more suede products than you can grain leather products for the same cost. That's why grain leather costs more than suede.

So we've gone through all four differences between grain leather, and suede moccasins or mukluks. Which are 1) the durability, 2) the finish or look, 3) your preferred style, and 4) the cost. Now, after considering these four differences, you should know exactly what the best material of moccasins or mukluks is for your wardrobe, style and budget.